Get Rid of Dark Skin on Neck – Home Remedies for Treating Dark Neck Skin

Get Rid of Dark Skin on Neck

Having a dark skin on neck is a fairly common complaint. The neck is an area that many people neglect when it comes to their skin care routine. The poor hygiene causes accumulation of dirt, grime and dead skin cells that dull your neck skin complexion. The neck has fine folds of skin in which remnants of cosmetics and other debris gets collected.

Overexposure to the sun is another cause of dark skin pigmentation on neck. What ever the reason may be, cleansing and then lightening the color of your skin is the best way to get rid of dark neck skin. If you are suffering from dark color skin around the neck, you can use home remedies to get rid of them effectively.

Home Remedies for Dark Skin on Neck – Natural Treatments for Dark Neck Skin

Following are effective home remedies and natural treatments for reducing dark skin on neck.

1. To get rid of dark skin around neck, first of all you have to make a habit to wear sunscreen on your neck before going out into the sun. You should wear protective clothes to prevent skin discoloration around neck.

2. Exfoliate your skin twice a week to whiten the skin around your neck. Use a natural scrub to remove dead cells from the area. You can sprinkle some salt on a sliver of lemon and use it as a scrub to remove dead skin cells. Lemon acts as a natural bleach and cleanser, which will give you blemish free skin.

3. You can make an exfoliating cream with equal parts of dried and powdered orange peels and yogurt. You can also add a couple of crushed walnuts into this mix. this is one of the best home remedies to remove dirt and layer of dark neck skin.

4. An excellent remedy for darkened skin is to make a paste of chick pea powder and lemon or orange juice. Add a bit of turmeric powder to the paste and apply it to the skin daily. Rose water may also be used instead of the lemon or orange juice if the skin is too sensitive. Leave the paste on for twenty minutes and then wash off with cool water after it dries.

5. A scrub of crushed walnuts and yogurt also works well to remove dark patches from the skin.

6. Potato also serves as a bleaching agent and raw potato juice or a paste of grated potato can be applied to the neck.

7. Add radish juice in curd and apply it on the dark skin pigmentation to remove dark skin discoloration on neck. Follow this pigmentation treatment for at least two weeks for lightening your pigmented skin and removing blemishes and dark spots on neck.

8. To get rid of dark skin on neck, add a pinch of turmeric powder in two tablespoons of lime juice and apply on the discolored neck and wash it off after 15 minutes. This remedy acts as a natural skin brightener for dark neck.

Read More: Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Skin on Neck

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